Parrhesia Berlin
Parrhesia: School of Philosophy, Berlin e.V. is a non-profit teaching and research organization devoted to the public practice of philosophy. It is a proud chapter of the Melbourne School of Continental Philosophy.
All are welcome: our courses and events have no entry requirements or assessment.
Winter 2025
Ecology, Love And Politics
3 Courses, 2 Talks, & 3 Book Launches
Jan - Mar 2025, Berlin
Drawing: Joulia Strauss; Design: Anastasia Efstathiadi
Parrhesia’s courses allow for a wide variety of subjects extending from film theory to the history of philosophy, from theories of technology and art to contemporary political concerns. By offering the option of doing multiple courses for only a little more than the single course price Parrhesia encourages students to broaden their experience of different philosophical traditions and themes.
Information for participants
Photos may be taken at Parrhesia events and subsequently published on the website; the consent of participants is presumed. For more information about the courses see the enrolment page.